giovedì 18 luglio 2019

WIPO - Brazil joins Madrid System for international trademarks

The number of countries and regions joining the international system for trademark registration on the basis of the Madrid Agreement and its Protocol, continues to grow. Brazil will be the latest country to join the international system for trademark registration (also known as the Madrid System) from 2nd October 2019.
The Madrid System makes possible to request the trademark protection in one or more member States of the Madrid System via a single application to WIPO - Geneva, Switzerland.
On October 2019, Brazil will be the 105th member state of the Madrid System. After Brazil’s accession, the Madrid System will cover n. 121 Countries, including the EU member States and n. 3 Countries of the Benelux.

giovedì 30 maggio 2019

Adhésion du Canada au Protocole de Madrid

Le 17 mars 2019, le gouvernement du Canada a déposé auprès de l’OMPI son instrument d’adhésion au Protocole de Madrid. Ce dernier entrera en vigueur, à l’égard du Canada, le 17 juin 2019. Le Canada a fait les déclarations suivantes :
  • le délai de refus est étendu à 18 mois et un refus provisoire fondé sur une opposition après l’expiration de ce délai est possible;
  • le Canada souhaite recevoir une taxe individuelle, lorsqu’il est désigné dans une demande internationale ou fait l’objet d’une désignation postérieure; le montant de cette taxe est de CHF 251 pour un classe de produits ou services et de CHF 76 pour chaque classe supplémentaire;
  • l’inscription de licences au registre international est sans effet au Canada.

mercoledì 17 ottobre 2018

Malawai joining Madrid System

Malawi is joining the international system for trademark registration on the basis of the Madrid Agreement and its Protocol. Malawi is the latest country to deposit at WIPO an instrument of accession, which comes into force on 25 December 2018.

martedì 2 ottobre 2018

WIPO - patent-search tool for easy access to medicine patents

WIPO and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) have launched a new online tool designed to provide easy access to medicine patent information.
The Patent Information Initiative for Medicines (Pat-INFORMED) provides information about patents covering approved medicines through a free, open access database. Anyone can search the Pat-INFORMED database simply by entering a medicine’s INN (International Nonproprietary Name) to obtain relevant information about the status of a patent in a particular country.

lunedì 24 settembre 2018

Suisse - Développement de médicaments pédiatriques dès le 1er janvier 2019

Afin d’encourager le développement de médicaments pédiatriques, il sera possible, à l’avenir, de prolonger la durée de protection de médicaments spécialement conçus pour cette tranche d’âge. Le 21 septembre 2018, le Conseil fédéral a fixé la date de l’entrée en vigueur des modifications requises à cet effet dans la loi sur les brevets et l'ordonnance s’y rapportant : la nouvelle réglementation s’appliquera dès le 1er janvier 2019.
 En vue de promouvoir le développement de médicaments spécialement conçus pour cette tranche d’âge, la loi sur les brevets prévoit de nouvelles incitations : les fabricants de médicaments qui réalisent des études pédiatriques sur des médicaments et démontrent les possibilités de leur utilisation chez les enfants obtiennent une prolongation de six mois de la protection de leurs brevets. Cette "prolongation pédiatrique", comme on l'appelle, a pour but de compenser, du moins en partie, les coûts supplémentaires de recherche et développement.

martedì 18 settembre 2018

OREO vs TWINS - cookies with reputation

In case C‑487/07 the European Court of Justice clarified the European trademarks "with reputation" enjoy a broader level of protection under EU trademark law. Trademark owners that are able to show that their European Trademarks are known to a large portion of the public can not only act against younger identical and confusingly similar trademarks that are used for similar goods or services, but also against younger similar trademarks for goods/services that are not similar. This higher level of protection is only applicable if the use of the allegedly infringing trademark is without due cause and would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or reputation of the earlier EUTM. Therefore, OREO had gained reputation over the years, consumers will likely consider TWINS to be a possible replacement of the OREO cookies on the grounds of similar quality characteristics. In other words, TWINS is taking unfair advantage of the reputation and investment of OREO as a trademark:

martedì 11 settembre 2018

European Inventor Award

The European Inventor Award promotes the patent system by telling the stories of successful inventors, and showing how patents have helped them to secure value, raise investment and create jobs. 
The Award is unique in that it honours inventors not only for the genius of their scientific or technological breakthroughs, but also for the impact their invention has on society and the economy, putting a spotlight on the individuals behind the inventions that are changing our lives for the better.
The nomination period for the 2019 edition of the European Inventor Award has started and will end on 28 September 2018.
The nominations are accepted under five different categories:
  • Industry
  • Research
  • Non-EPO countries
  • SMEs
  • Lifetime achievement
For more information about the European Inventor Award, please visiti EPO website

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

Brand Finance 2015 - Lego is ranked the world’s most powerful brand

Brand Finance’s analysis this year has found that Lego is now the world’s most powerful brand, scoring highly on its Brand Strength Index for familiarity, loyalty, promotion, staff satisfaction and corporate reputation. Other brands to do well on the Brand Finance Brand Strength Index include PWC, Red Bull, McKinsey, Unilever, L’Oréal, Burberry and Rolex. Twitter is the fastest growing brand, according to this year’s research.

venerdì 10 ottobre 2014

UE - Publication of the lists of CTM Courts and Community Design Courts

Publication of the lists of Community trade mark courts and Community design courts in accordance with Article 95(4) of Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 on the Community trade mark and Article 80(4) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on Community design at the following link:

lunedì 24 marzo 2014

Italia - Durata di protezione del diritto d'autore - DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 21 febbraio 2014, n. 22

E’ stato pubblicato in G.U. n. 58 del 11 marzo 2014 – il Decreto Legislativo 21 febbraio 2014 n. 22 attuativo della direttiva 2011/77/UE che modifica la direttiva 2006/116/CE concernente la durata di protezione del diritto d'autore e di alcuni diritti connessi.
La novità più importante del predetto decreto legislativo riguarda la modifica all’art. 75 delle legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633 e la conseguente estensione della durata della protezione del diritto d’autore.
La nuova formulazione dell’art. 75 prevede espressamente: “La durata dei diritti previsti nel presente capo è di cinquanta anni dalla fissazione. Tuttavia se durante tale periodo il fonogramma è lecitamente pubblicato, i diritti scadono settanta anni dopo la data della prima pubblicazione lecita. Se nel periodo di tempo indicato nel primo comma non sono effettuate pubblicazioni lecite e se il fonogramma è lecitamente comunicato al pubblico durante detto periodo, i diritti scadono settanta anni dopo la data di tale prima comunicazione al pubblico”.